Astrology & Self-Care: Aries

I am rounding out my self-care and astrology series with our 11th installment by looking at Aries through his lens. Taurus, you are next. 

Image by DarkWorkX from Pixabay

Anyone born between March 21 – April 19 is an Aries, according to Astrology. In a previous blog post, I introduced self-care according to the zodiac, and as promised, we will dive into the specific 12 zodiac signs as we are in each season. We have already looked at Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

Aries is a fire sign symbolized by a Ram with their beautiful curled horns. An extrovert who delights in expressing their power. Aries kicks off the Spring season, and like other signs that welcome a new season, Aries is full of energy and childlike enthusiasm. This energy is not always focused, and it is likely they will start many projects but finish few. 

With a tendency to be charming, this can lean towards abrasive and irritating when not in check. When it comes to self-care, Aries is generally not interested in it until a health issue sidelines them. When Aries is healthy and balanced, their intuition can be a powerful tool as well. 

The ideal way to get buy-in from Aries is to keep it quick and efficient for self-care. They will enjoy using apps and other tools to track their journey too. However, they take a more reactive approach to self-care and are not proactive. Aries is not interested in exploring shades of meaning and prefers a direct line of action. 

The following is my takeaway on Aries from “The Astrological Guide to Self-Care” by Constance Stellas. 

Constance Stellas provides a list of self-care activities ideal for Aries, and for the ease of my readers, I have categorized them by the different domains of self-care. For more on the various domains of self-care, please read a previous blog post. You can also watch my Talk-Back Tuesday session explaining the ten domains of self-care and practices associated with each domain. (Facebook/YouTube)

I have also been creating Instagram Reels (30-second clips), highlighting tips for each of the domains. Check it out!

Nutrition/Hydration (eating a variety of healthy and nutritious foods throughout the day)

  • Given Aries’s passionate, adventurous and energetic nature, their food choices should reflect this as well. Try out new spices (Saffron, maybe?), and don’t be afraid to try new combinations to avoid food boredom. 
  • Consider cooking with a cast-iron pan as metals like Iron are aligned with Mars (ruler of Aries). 
  • Salads at lunchtime made with watercress are an excellent option for Aries. They are packed with vitamins and peppery flavors. 
  • Keep your immune system in tip-top shape by eating lots of garlic. 
  • Indulge in a meal at a Thai restaurant. Its bold flavors are appealing to Aries. 
  • Unwind by sipping ginger tea. You can even make your own. The book provides the following recipe: Peel and slice a 2-inch section of fresh Ginger. Boil the slices in 1.5-2 cups of water for 10 minutes (milder tea) or 20 minutes for a stronger tea. Meditate while waiting for the tea to be ready. Strain the tea, and add a little honey (optional). Enjoy! 
  • Cardamom Coffee can offer a zesty twist to your morning cup of joe. Indulge in small amounts as high-quality cardamom can be expensive. 
  • It is important not to skip breakfast. It would be best if you had something that will keep you active and can be eaten on the go. Check out my healthy muffin recipes for an ideal breakfast treat.

Exercise (finding activities that make us feel good and moving our bodies regularly)

  • Aries thrives on heat and energy, so anytime outside is ideal.
  • Consider biking, running, or hiking along a new path. 
  • Consider Aerial yoga to increase your flexibility, which may be a nice way to experience yoga’s calming benefits while appealing to your adventurous side. 
  • Release some steam by hitting a punching bag or throwing darts—a great way to clear your head and focus on what is essential. 
  • Percussive beats are appealing to Aries. Consider learning to tap dance or play the bongos. 
  • Extreme sports align with Aries’s adventurous side. A great way to get some exercise in and feel that adrenaline rush. 
  • Add warrior poses to your yoga practice. Warrior poses are strong and fierce, which is ideal for Aries. There are several different variations of a warrior POSE. This article outlines them well.

Soothing Strategies (breathing exercises and pursuing activities that stimulate your physical, intellectual, interpersonal, or creative side to relax)

  • The Aries mind is always working. Be sure to give yourself physical space and freedom to thrive by walking around your home or office. If there is no space, move around outside. 
  • Practice deep-breathing while burning incense to slow down your mind. Look for an incense burner made of tiger’s eye and malachite. Both stones are known to be very compatible with Aries. 
  • Use Arnica (cream or gel) on your sore muscles. Aries gives 100% all the time, which can lead to some soreness. 
  • Consider wearing a red (Aries signature color) Cinnabar bracelet, which has a multisensory component. When you wear two or more of them together, they make a clacking sound for a light percussive beat adding Aries’ dynamic nature. Lots of fun options on Etsy.
  • Slow down your racing mind by massaging patchouli oil on your temples (following instructions for diluting it). 
  • Meditate while holding a bloodstone in your left hand (red & green – both of Aries power colors). Be sure to breathe deeply and consider reciting a mantra that resonates with you. 
  • Get lost in the spectacle of attending a circus performance such as Cirque du Soleil. Sure to delight an Aries with their unbelievable artistry and beauty. 
  • At least once per week, meditate on the color green for 15 minutes to help calm the passion or anger you have been experiencing. On Instagram, you can watch Dr. MC’s Calming Color meditation which examines all of the colors, but it may be a good starting point.
  • Indulge with a relaxing facial occasionally to destress. 
  • Use music to help you relax—Aries like percussive music. Create a playlist with music you like for relaxing and take a 15-minute mid-day break to listen to it. This can be an effective way to disconnect which ultimately boosts your productivity. 

Self-Awareness/Mindfulness (calming awareness of thoughts, feelings, and body and engaging in meditation/mind-body practices)

  • Adjust your posture and stand tall! Sometimes acting confident can help us be confident in those moments of self-doubt. Try it – stand tall and take 3 deep breaths through the nose and out through the mouth. 
  • Having a mirror hung (where you can see your face and head) in your office space can help Aries remain confident and boost your performance. 

Rest (taking time to recharge the batteries and sleep)

  • Create a sanctuary for sleep. Feng Shui can help you with this. Be mindful of mirror placement in your bedroom. You should not be able to see yourself in a mirror from your bed. 
  • Place a piece of green malachite next to your bed to help promote positive dreams and stimulate vivid memories. 
  • Bergamot oil can help aid Aires in falling asleep quickly, known for its relaxing and calming qualities. Perhaps add a few drops to your pillow before sleep (follow instructions for diluting it).  
  • Consider planning a vacation to a desert resort. If you cannot travel, consider trying guided meditation with a dessert theme where you can imagine the warmth of the sun on your skin and the beauty around you. Likewise, a trip to Florence, Italy may be appealing to an Aries. Even looking at images can be a valuable tool to promote relaxation. 
  • Splurge on a therapeutic pillow designed to support your head and neck area while you sleep to ensure you are getting restorative rest. 

Relationships (spend time with people who support you and make you feel good)

  • Conventional therapy is likely not beneficial for Aries; however, therapy apps and talk-therapy on the phone may come in handy. 
  • Aries enjoy self-care practices with others, so plan a night of relaxation with friends. Perhaps you host a Henna party which is a celebratory practice in the Middle East. 
  • Consider hosting an island party complete with steel drum band music and a conga line—a great way to kick back with friends. 
  • Playing strategic games with friends can help Aries satisfy their competitive side. 

Physical/Medical (attending to needs of our physical body and seeking medical care regularly)

  • Ruler of the head, skull, face, and sinuses, it is essential that Aries protect this area of their body and wear headgear. 
  • Prone to headaches, Acupuncture can be a beneficial healing modality for Aries. 
  • For stuffed sinuses, consider using a Neti Pot to clear the nasal passages. Be sure to follow the directions exactly. 
  • Wear fun baseball caps that can protect your skin from the sun. 
  • Always on the go, Aries need comfortable footwear. 

Environment (setting up your physical work/living space to make you feel good)

  • Clear out stagnant energy by burning sage (smudging). Learn more about it here.
  • Feng Shui bed placement should be examined for an Aries. Ideally, set up your bed, so your head faces east and your feet face west as you sleep.
  • If there is an east-facing window in the bedroom, that can be a nice way to wake up in the morning with the rays of the sun shining upon you. 
  • Decorate your home with beautiful, decorative Chinese Ginger Jars as a conversation piece, or store your fresh Ginger. 
  • Place a single flower on your desk to help you stay connected to nature while working 9-5. Consider something bold and brightly colored like a red bird of paradise, gerbera daisy, or even a poppy. 
  • Although red is Aries signature color, green is also a powerful color for Aries. Consider accents in shades of green to your wardrobe and home decor. 
  • Add red geraniums to your garden spaces. 

Spiritual (experience meaning or a larger purpose in your life, read, watch, or listen to something inspirational)

  • Lead others and feel the rewards of giving. Aries loves to inspire others. Considering mentoring, volunteering, or even sharing your self-care practices. 
  • Reading is an enjoyable activity for Aries. Consider the works of other Aries such as Robert Frost or Maya Angelou. For something thrilling, check out James Patterson’s books. 
  • Gaze up at the stars, specifically when Mars is in view, Aries ruling planet. 
  • Consider sponsoring a farmer to help them expand, feed, and take care of their animals. This act of kindness is suitable for your soul. Be sure to research reputable charitable organizations before donating. 

Aries, what do you think? Does this sound like you? I know many Aries folks and I can absolutely see shades of accuracy in this.

Be sure to like, subscribe and love me across all my social media platforms for the most up-to-date information on self-care! You can also watch any of my previously recorded videos on the LIVE tab of Dr. MC’s Self-Care Cabaret or my YouTube Channel. OR catch me on Instagram LIVE, where I have been sharing more expertise on self-care! <3

Stay well,

Dr. MC

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