
So you’ve made your way to the Self-Care Cabaret! Read more about upcoming professional development presentations.

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Dr. MC’s Upcoming Presentations

Virtual or in-person presentations are available for all offerings up to 10 hours. Customized workshop topics provided upon request.

Dr. MC is an approved Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Professional Development Provider. All topics and formats of presentations with a minimum of 10 hours of training are eligible for Professional Development Points (PDPs). Educators and groups outside of Massachusetts may also be eligible to receive continuing education credit. Presentations are customizable and can be adapted to meet specific requirements in a given state or district. For more information, reach out via email.

Lights, Camera, You.

The Power of Developing & Promoting Your Growth Mindset

Whether your office is a stage, a classroom, or in a healthcare setting, small shifts in our thinking can significantly impact our work performance. And it starts with exploring and understanding our growth and fixed mindsets. Learn about these mindsets and how drawing on them can translate into creating more productive workplaces and developing relationships that allow colleagues and teams to flourish.

Don’t Be Upstaged:

Understanding Workplace Stressors

Work-related stress leads to compassion fatigue, burnout, and for businesses, a staggering $322 billion annual loss in turnover and productivity. Reduction strategies can be efficient, effective, and cost-accessible. Recognize and develop intentional practices for establishing your work-life balance, fostering stress management skills, and preventing burnout.

Staging the Mind-Body Classroom:

Caring for Yourself and Your Students

Educators’ mental wellness is linked to positive school climates and student outcomes. As we return to post-pandemic learning spaces, reframe your thinking on self-care. Unpack your current strengths and weaknesses in various domains of self-care and how you can incorporate quick and easy practices into your classroom, school, or district.

In the Round:

The Intersection of Trauma, Resilience, and Self-Care

In theatre, in the round refers to a performance where an actor can see three sides of an audience. They’re spaces that foster deep connection and trust. In the same way, service professionals are uniquely positioned to help others overcome challenges and build resilience. Hear the latest research in trauma-sensitive education and explore how you can use these findings to support and empower those impacted by trauma.

Backdrop to Success:

The Three Pillars of Creating a Trauma-Sensitive Classroom

In focusing on safety, security, and support, we can create trauma-sensitive classrooms and spaces. Learn about the impact trauma has on brain development, the importance of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and common misconceptions before delving into academic instruction techniques and relationship-building strategies for working with students impacted by trauma.

Reading the Subtext:

Examining Implicit Bias and Microaggressions Through Mindfulness

Every story has subtext: unspoken and underlying meanings. In the same way, we can examine the subtext of our lives, which sometimes includes exploring our implicit biases and microaggressions. Understanding what these look like and how these occurrences can impact our work and relationships. Then, learn ways to cultivate mindfulness in preventing and responding to biases and microaggressions in your everyday life.

Introducing: Be Your Own Bestie™

Educators are uniquely positioned to impact students’ well-being. Yet they cannot neglect their care in this process!

The Be Your Own Bestie™ Program: Teacher Edition equips educators to teach and practice essential social-emotional and intrapersonal skills, including setting and maintaining boundaries, developing emotional intelligence, creating a sense of belonging, managing stress, inspiring others, leading with equity, and fostering self-love.

The Teacher Edition is available to book today. A version for K-12 students is in development. Stay tuned for future updates on its official launch.

Be Your Own Bestie™ is aligned with state and national standards, American School Counselor Association’s (ASCA) National Model, and the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning’s (CASEL) Social-Emotional Learning Model.


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