What Made You Smile Today?

Dr. MC's Self-Care Cabaret
Dr. MC's Self-Care Cabaret
What Made You Smile Today?

When was the last time you felt genuinely grateful? For the big things, the small things, and everything in between. When was the last time you thought about what made you smile today? If ever. We tend to get so wrapped up in life and we focus on the wrong things causing us to lose sight of what is really important. Talking about gratitude is one of my favorite things, as it is a very powerful practice. There is scientific research to support that practicing gratitude re-wires neuropathways in your brain to boost your mood, improve your relationships and increase productivity! Like, whoa! Why not give it a whirl?

Today’s episode is with gratitude extraordinaire Lorraine Shedoudi. Lorraine shares her powerful journey and insight into her program, the gratitude adjustment. She also emphasizes many of the pillars of the self-care cabaret – like that authentic self-care can be practiced for free with easy and quick practices. And I love the idea of asking yourself every day, what made you smile today?

Lorraine has been practicing yoga for over 15 years, and through her practice,  she found her passion for teaching. Lorraine was born and raised in Northern California and has always been fascinated by the mind-body connection. She earned her undergraduate degrees in Anthropology and Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. While at Berkeley, Lorraine took her first yoga class and was captivated by the practice. 

After years of playing competitive sports, yoga brought her a new way to understand physical movement, wellness, and compassion. Lorraine continued her studies and followed her passion for connecting the mind and the body by earning her Master’s Degree at Boston College in Counseling Psychology.  

While working as a substance abuse counselor in Boston, Lorraine brought mindfulness and meditation to patients struggling with addiction. The more stressful work became, the more Lorraine used yoga to keep herself grounded. 


LPY yoga 

Juvenile Diabetes Fund 

Dr. MC’s blog on Gratitude 

Episode Transcript

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